APM2500_140-1-update.tgz This package updates the APM V_1.4.0 (12/16/2005) to APM V_1.4.0-1 (02/17/2006). It should only be applied to OS Version V_1.4.0 (Dec/16/2005). The following bugs were fixed with this update: 6043 RDP window does not support scroll bar. 6213 Renaming KVM consoles can cause DB connection failures. 6007 Blade Module: Accessing Blade Center web using web proxy could remove /dev/null. 5865 When ACS is configured to redirect http to https, web proxy does not work. 3889 When KVM/net web encription is enabled, web proxy does not work. 6412 Serial console applet could take 2 minutes to launch. 6301 Admin profile users unable to view some consoles or devices when editing Consoles ACL or Devices ACL of users. 6497 Creation/Edit of Admin user page takes too long when there are a large set of Users, Groups and Consoles. 5980 SMP race condition can cause a lockup on a busy node in Primary/SyncSource state. 6535 Slowness to open console groups by admin profile users. APM Update Package Installation 1. Log into the APM using the serial console port and copy the APM2500_140-1_update.tgz and APM2500_140-1_update.tgz.md5sum files to the directory /tmp. 2. Do a backup of all filesystems before installing this update, i.e., run the "backup" command. 3. This step should be done only if Heartbeat is enabled: If you have Heartbeat enabled, please make sure the Primary and the Secondary APM's are synchronized. You can "cat /proc/drbd" to check the progress of syncing. All drbd devices will show "ld:Consistent" when the synchronization is complete. 4. Execute the following commands to install the update: [root@APM root]# cd /tmp [root@APM tmp]# mke2fs /dev/hda4 [root@APM tmp]# fsck /dev/hda4 [root@APM tmp]# installupd APM2500_140-1_update.tgz 5. This step should be done only if Heartbeat is NOT enabled: [root@APM tmp]# reboot Then skip to step 7. 6. This step should be done only if Heartbeat is enabled: Note: The Primary node is the node that is currently servicing the resources. In the APM Web, the System->Status tab will show the Current State of the Primary Node as PRIMARY and the Secondary Node as REDUNDANT. a. In the Secondary node, run "shutdown -h now" and power off the APM when the shutdown is complete. Continue to step b after the APM is powered off. b. In the Primary node, run "reboot". Wait for the system to be up before continuing to step c. c. Power on the Secondary APM. Wait for the system to be up. Note: For Secondary APM, patch will be applied ONLY when fail-over to secondary happens and tomcat starts up. 7. After installing this package, sysinfo will display: Config Version : V_1.4.0 OS Version : V_1.4.0 (Dec/16/2005) APM Version : V_1.4.0-1 (02/17/2006) APM Database : V_1.4.0 (2005-12-16) Note: For Secondary node, patch will be applied ONLY when fail-over to Secondary happens. Until this happens, the 'sysinfo' command in the Secondary will display: Config Version : V_1.4.0 OS Version : V_1.4.0 (Dec/16/2005) APM Version : V_1.4.0 (12/16/2005) APM Database : V_.. () APM Update Package Uninstallation 1. If for any reason you need to remove this package, execute the following commands in the serial console: [root@APM root]# mount /flash/update [root@APM root]# rm /flash/update/APM2500_140-1_update.tgz [root@APM root]# umount /flash/update 2. This step should be done only if Heartbeat is NOT enabled: [root@APM tmp]# reboot During the boot, answer y to the question "Do you want to re-create the System file system? (y/n)". 3. This step should be done only if Heartbeat is enabled: a. In the Secondary machine, run "shutdown -h now" and power off the APM when the shutdown is complete. Continue to step b after the APM is powered off. b. In the Primary machine, run "reboot". During the boot, answer y to the question "Do you want to re-create the System file system? (y/n)". Wait for the system to be up before continuing to step c. c. Power on the Secondary APM. During the boot, answer y to the question "Do you want to re-create the System file system? (y/n)".