This document brings all new features and bug fixes regarding AlterPath Blade
Manager versions.
V_1.3.0 Apr/22/05 :
(official release; first release)
a) New features
b) Known bugs
- Ethernet
AutoSpeed is not working when trying to synchronize to a CIGESM Cisco
switch configured to 1Gbps. There are two workarounds:
- Configure
the CIGESM to 100Mbps
- When
CIGESM running at 1Gbps, whenever
rebooting the AlterPath Blade Manager, reboot the CIGESM as well.
- The
word “blade” alone cannot be used as “trigger expression” in Alarm
Trigger, otherwise false alarms will be triggered. (#3611)
- User
Manual Page 2-29 Chapter 2: Blade Manager Installation: Configuring
the COM Port Connection and Logging In says that ANSI emulation should
be selected in Hyperterminal settings. The correct emulation is VT100
instead of ANSI.